How Caregiver Self-Care Can Help
You Stop Feeling Invisible

Peaceful Scene for CaregiversWhen caregiver self-care always comes at the bottom of your “to Do” list, it’s easy to start feeling like you have disappeared as an individual. It happens when you spend all your energy meeting the needs of others. The problem with unrelenting self-sacrifice is that eventually you start to lose track of who you are. We all have a need for self-fulfillment. Taking care of yourself and meeting your own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs isn’t selfish – it’s smart.

Find something to do that stimulates your mind and lifts your spirit. Maybe it’s reading. Maybe it’s writing, or music, or art. It could be gardening, meditation or prayer. The “what” doesn’t matter, but the “why” does. A little self-care can help keep you from becoming angry, resentful and/or depressed.

Today I’d like to ask you to take a good look in the mirror. Remind yourself of who you are and what you need, and then make a promise that you will never, ever allow yourself to become invisible. Because someone who has disappeared will not be able to maintain the strength, courage and will to care for another person indefinitely.