IMG_1115Every month I write an article for Griswold Home Care’s CaringTimes Blog. July’s article is about locating respite care.

I firmly believe that taking frequent breaks helps caregivers maintain the emotional, mental and physical strength that is required to care for someone who is aging, chronically ill or disabled over an extended period of time.

In this article I list a number of different types of respite care with links to websites that will help you find resources in your local area. One link that may be of particular interest is the National Respite Coalition, which helps people locate low-cost and free respite care.

I know that the concept of making self-care a priority may be hard to accept, but the truth is it could be one of the most beneficial and generous things you’ll ever do for your care receiver.

I hope you’ll find the time to click on this link and read the article:

Respite Care – The Key to Caregiver Survival?